Soldier statue torn down Thanksgiving night

After the sun set on Thanksgiving, we tore down a memorial to the US soldiers of…

IFA Statement from CRIFA Athens 5 Nov 2023

[ – Français – ] [ – Česky – ] [ – български – ] […

Anarchist solidarity and anti-war initiatives in post-Yugoslav countries

Z.A.P.O Anti-War Demo, 19.06.1991. (personal recollection from Croatia) A few important notes: I am writing from…

The Ukraine War

After the fall of the USSR in 1991, Ukraine became independent. The United States promised Russia…

Did we forget a war or something?

The horror of the (largely one sided) slaughter in the Israeli-Gaza war has seized the attention…

Protiválečné tričko benefiční pro dezertéry / ANTI-WAR T-SHIRT FUNDRAISER FOR DESERTERS

Koupí protiválečného trika, můžeš podpořit dezertéry. Dezerce, obzvláště stává-li se kolektivní aktivitou může výrazně ovlivnit průběh…

The situation in Gaza

We echo the Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group (MACG) in calling for the intervention of all ‘workers…

Looking back over a year of AMI’s activities

[ – Česky – ] [ – Français – ] [ – Deutsch – ] In…

Internationalist Solidarity against the slaughter of capitalist war!

AnarCom Network has recently attended an assembly of revolutionary anti-war Internationalists on the Black Sea coast,…

From Gaza to Tel-Aviv and to the whole World… No War But Class War!

| English | Italiano | Français | Español | Čeština | PDF | “The position of…

Neither Israel nor Hamas!

We totally condemn and abhor the indiscriminate bombing of the Gaza strip just as we totally…

And the War drags on

 [ Raoul Victor, 10 February 2023 ] 15 months have passed since Russian tanks rolled into…

An Anti-War Assembly in Milan

On September 15th the Centro di Documentazione Contro la Guerra organized an open assembly called “La…

A volunteer from Kharkov was tortured by the military after trying to leave Ukraine

Calling on media in other countries not to keep silence on this story! Welcome to join…

Why is being against war so hard?

Winter is coming.  Not a line from Game of Thrones but a meteorological reality in the…

A Manifesto for revolutionary defeatism!

The war in Ukraine, like all capitalist wars, is a war against the working class: a…

SABOTAGE THE WAR! Call for an international and internationalist mobilization against the war in Ukraine

[ – Magyar – ] [ – Česky – ] [ – Русский – ] […

[EN/IT/FR] – For an internationalist and anti-authoritarian mobilisation against the war. Second meeting in Rome, September 2nd, 2023

The discussion about the war in Ukraine on July 22nd in Rome was well attended by…

The revolutionary movement and the Second World War: interview with Marc Chirik, 1985

Interview with Marc Chirik focusing on the internationalist opposition to World War Two, especially in France.…

Against the war, the state, capitalism, fascism & imperialism

Who brings the people back to the slaughterhouse of war with mathematical precision, from where the…

Theses on the war in Ukraine

[ – English – ] [ – Česky – ] [ – Français – ] Input…

Anti-authoritarian perspectives on balkan nationalisms: national divisions of the balkan wars, 1st world war and greek-turkish war. Antinational/antimilitaristic/ antipatriarchal struggles on the balkan peninsula, then and now

Presentation and discussion “Unforgotten homelands” mean oblivion of irredentism, expansionist campaigns and their massacres, rape and…

Inputs for cluster discussion Balkan Anarchists against War published

Cluster discussion Balkan Anarchists against War will take place on Saturday, 8th of July at 16:00.…

New Pamphlet: Against capitalist wars, against capitalist peace [ … ] Nová brožura: Proti kapitalistickým válkám, proti kapitalistickému míru

In Ukraine, the Czech Republic, the UK, Italy, Syria, France etc… All over the world there…

What’s new in “anarchism”? National self-determination and the coincidence of interests with capital?! // [ es, fr, ru, de, cs ]

The following lines are a short response to an article by Wayne Price published on the…

War & Peace // poster (en, cs, fr, ru, es, de)

ČeštinaEnglish Français Русский Español Deutsch — zdroj:

Antimilitaristický plakát // Anti-militarist poster // [ cs, en, it, uk, ru, pl, es, de, fr, hu, sh, sl, sk, in ]

Česky [ – PDF – ] English [ – PDF – ] anglicky Italiano [ –…

Výzva: Dny mezinárodní solidarity s dezertéry // Appeal: Days of international solidarity with deserters

[ – Українська – ] [ – Česky – ] [ – Русский – ] […

Anarchistický antimilitarismus a mýty o válce na Ukrajině

[ – Deutsch – ] [ – Français – ] [ – English – ] […

Anarchist antimilitarism and myths about the war in Ukraine

ǀ PDF ǀ [ – Česky – ] [ – Deutsch – ] [ – Français –…

War is the supreme drama of a completely mechanized society

No War but the Class War: Statement from NWBCW Montreal

Taking responsibility – Against the war industry by Anarchists

Mutinies in the Russian army

Make Tattoo Not War (MTNW)

Appeal: Days of international solidarity with deserters

[ – Українська – ] [ – Česky – ] [ – Русский – ] […

Open the borders to war resisters!

Contro la guerra, guerra di classe !

Against the war, class war !

Solidarity with all those fighting against the war in Russia and Ukraine.

Polish syndicalists ZSP about the migration serfdom in Ukraine

Red paint on the facade of the Ukrainian Embassy – blood under the facade of the Ukrainian state