/ English / Následující rozhovor byl poprvé publikován v antimilitaristickém zpravodaji Dezertér. I když obsahově má…
Category: English
War resistance in Ukraine amidst the hype about peace talks
Special thanks to our French comrades from the Solidarity Initiative Olga Taratuta in preparing this material.
Neither National Liberationist, Nor Irredentist – Our War is a Class War
/ Ελληνικά / Français / Deutsch / For at least 15 years, a series of “emergencies”…
I will not be intimidated – Lukáš Borl
We are publishing a statement from Lukáš Borl on the recent attack against him We will…
Adománygyűjtés dezertőrök és háborús menekültek számára
/ український / Česky / Français / English / PDF / Ukrajnában folytatódik a háborús mészárlás,…
Громадський збір коштів для дезертирів та біженців
/ English / Česky / Français / Magyar / PDF / Воєнна бійня в Україні…
Collecte de fonds pour les déserteurs et les réfugiés de guerre
/ English / Česky / український / Magyar / PDF / Le massacre guerrier en Ukraine…
Fundraising for deserters and war refugees
/ Magyar / український / Česky / Français / PDF / The war massacre in…
Voices from Ukraine # 1 # 2 # 3
Voices from Ukraine # 1 →PDF← We publish here the English version of several articles by…
Over Russian 18,000 soldiers desert
Exact numbers of deserters from the Russian army are very difficult to track down and verify.…
Interview with an anti-militarist from Odessa
The following interview was carried out by the Československé anarchistické sdružení – Czechoslovak Anarchist Association (ČAS…
Veřejná sbírka pro dezertéry a válečné uprchlíky
/ український / English / Français / Magyar / Válečný masakr na Ukrajině pokračuje a…
Context of the Incident at the Graz Anarchist Bookfair
/Česky/ PDF / We are publishing here an English translation of an article originally published by…
Clarifications on Revolutionary Defeatism
/ Español / Français / Italiano / PDF / The text we publish below is part…
Oproep voor week van antimilitaristische agitatie /// Callout for week of anti-militarist agitation
De wereld wordt in brand gezet. De machthebbers voeren oorlog om hun positie te verstevigen. Mensen…
The turn of 2024 and 2025 for Ukraine: desertion has become nationwide mainstream
Special thanks to our French comrades from the Solidarity Initiative Olga Taratuta in preparing this material ### If…
Berlin: attack on the arms company ThyssenKrupp
/ Français / Deutsch / ThyssenKrupp grows rich on war and genocide Many are angry. Angry…
Myths and the truth about the enemies of our enemies
/česky/ Let me start by asking a question: Are the enemies of our enemies automatically our…
The rise of the black-brown in the NATO heartland
When I discussed some of these things in the comments here some people said I should…
About Violence: A Communiqué on the Block NATO Demonstration*
Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info *This release is based on the journal Block NATO, organised by…
How many more corpses do you need to understand what’s going on?
Česky / Русский / Deutsch / Français / War has always been a paramount question for…
/ Deutsch / Français / English / Hier ein Flugblatt der auf den Straßen in Berlin…
Ukraine: From a Wave of Desertion to Spontaneous Self-Demobilization Amid US Elections
National Unity and Armed Forces Day is celebrated in Italy on November 4 in honor of…
Mezinárodní výměna proti vojenské službě a za odmítnutí veškerého militarismu (15-16.11.2024)
Česky | English | German | French | Italian| V Německu a mnoha dalších zemích nabývá militarismus na síle v…
International exchange against military service and for the refusal of all militarism November
English| German | French | Italian | Česky| In Germany and many other countries, militarism is gaining strength in the face…
Catastrophe for somebody, salvation for others. Desertion is flooding Ukraine
“Imagine: the rulers start a war, and no one goes to it!” (on the poster) Donations…
Collaboration of pro-war anarchists with the far-right. Masks are off, or the fail of the “anti-authoritarian resistance” myth
Česky / English / Stupidity does not stop being stupid because someone died for it. –…
Call for Transnational days of action against militarism and nationalism from the Balkans (1st to 10th October 2024)
english | shqip | eλληνικά | українська | עִבְרִית | русский | italiano | slovenščina | magyar | türkçe | română | čeština | فارسی | slovenčina | български | македонски The assembly of Balkan solidarity network gathered at the Balkan anarchist bookfair in Prishtina, Kosovo…
“Judge Lynch, you have the floor!” The murder of Farion amid the decay processes in the warring armies
Cover photo: Italian translation of spring Assembly’s materials review at anarchist anti-war mid-July event in Northern…
Internationalist Statement Against Capitalism and War from the revolutionist gathering in Arezzo, Italy, June 2024
While the global capitalist system is dragging the world into ever more war and misery, those…
A call against arms
/ Deutsch / The following is an article by the Balkan collective Antipolitika. Undoubtedly, it is…
Beyond Campism
/ Français / Deutsch / Español / From Mauvais Sang: Un journal bâtard pour la révolution…
La sinistra del capitale sta sabotando il movimento anarchico: passiamo al contrattacco!
Česky / Deutsch / English / Français / Español / Riceviamo e volentieri diffondiamo questo testo…
La izquierda del capital sabotea el movimiento anarquista: ¡contraataquemos!
Česky / Deutsch / English / Français / Italiano / Poco después de la escalada de…
Against Capitalist Wars and Against Capitalist Peace! A spectator is haunting Europe and beyond. The once…
The left of capital is sabotaging the anarchist movement: let’s fight back!
Česky / Deutsch / Français / Italiano / Español / PDF Soon after the escalation of…
La gauche du capital sabote le mouvement anarchiste : défendons-nous !
Česky / Deutsch / English / Italiano / Español / Peu après l’escalade de la guerre…
War on Anarchism – Bill Beech
/ Deutsch / A response to two articles by Wayne Price in the anarchist journal Black…
Die Linke des Kapitals sabotiert die anarchistische Bewegung: Wehren wir uns!
Česky / English / Français / Italiano / Español / Kurz nach der Eskalation des Krieges…
The Advice Led to Hell – Ilya Kharkow
I wrote about how difficult it was to get from Kyiv to Lviv on the first…
Levice kapitálu sabotuje anarchistické hnutí: Braňme se!
Deutsch / English / Français / Italiano / Español / PDF Záhy poté, co došlo…
Report from Action week and the anti-war congress in Prague
We are publishing a report from AnarCom – an Anarchist-Communist network operating in the so-called UK.…
[GCI-ICG] Proletarian Resistance Against the War – Yugoslavia 1999
/ English / Français / Español / PDF / Class War’s Presentation: We present here a…
/ English / Français / Čeština / Español / Nederlands / Dear comrades! We in the…
Internationalism – a guide to action or an excuse for inaction? To the start of the Prague Action Week 20-26 May
Nine points for further discussion from the anarchist newsletter of Kharkov. In some very, very eastern…
We refute the lies being spread about AMI
We regularly face accusations that we allegedly do not support the self-defense of people in the…
New publication: Interview with the Ukrainian anarchist group Assembly
We have published a new publication with three interviews with the Ukrainian anarchist group Assembly. You…
Revolutionary Defeatism Today – Devrim Valerian
Winter is drawing in. The first year of the Ukrainian war is coming to an end.…
War against war is starting? The grapes of wrath in Ukraine
This yellow Niva has become in Ukraine a truly popular meme of resistance to state terror…
PROTIVÁLEČNÝ KONGRES / PRAHA / 24. až 26.5. 2024 /
[ – English – ] [ – Español – ] [ – Deutsch – ] […
Interview with a Ukrainian exile
I want to dedicate this interview to those who have never killed anyone. Today, they try…
Nejsme Izraelci, Palestinci, Židé, muslimové… jsme proletariát!
/ English / Français / Español / Deutsch / Tyto články vyšly v 50. čísle časopisu…
No War in Gaza! Fight the Nightmare Which Haunts Us All!
War is the climax of the nightmare in Gaza. We hear the numbers rise every day,…
Our key-points on the war in Ukraine
1. The war in Ukraine is the latest in a sequence of traumatic events of these…
Pamphlet: British Anarchism Succumbs to War Fever – by Alex Adler
Revised text published online by Libcom and others and translated into both French and Czech languages…
The real end of history is the end of war
The End of History “What we are witnessing, is not just the end of the cold…
Αντιμιλιταριστική – Αντιπολεμική Πρωτοβουλία από τα Νότια Βαλκάνια και τις δύο πλευρές της Κύπρου
Παρά τις πιθανές επιμέρους διαφοροποιήσεις, παρά τις δυσκολίες στην επικοινωνία – κάτι που δεν επέτρεψε προς…
Teze o válce na Ukrajině: Příspěvek Anarchosyndikalistické iniciativy (ASI-IWA)
[ – Česky – ] [ – English – ] [ – Français – ] Na…
Glasgow Anarchist Communist Group – Talk: Anarchism in Europe
Talk: Anarchism in Europe. Balkan report back from the Anarchist Bookfair and the St-Imier Anti-Authoritarian Gathering.…
9 points – Reactions to the war in Ukraine
[ – English – ] [ – Slovenian – ] Clandestina, Thessaloniki “If you cannot have…
SZABOTÁLD A HÁBORÚT! Felhívás az ukrajnai háború elleni nemzetközi és internacionalista mozgósításra!
[ – Magyar – ] [ – Česky – ] [ – Русский – ] […
Gegen Umweltzerstörung, Unterdrückung und Krieg – Feuer für CEMEX-Betonwerk
[ – English – ] [ – Français – ] Inspiriert von einer Reihe von Aktionen…
Warmongers left and right
The world watches in horror as one of the most advanced armies on earth is destroying…
Самый темный час перед рассветом? Вступая в 2024-й: взгляд из Харькова на еще один год окопной войны
[ – Русский – ] [ – English – ] С улиц РФ. Прислано кем-то из…
K anarchistickému antimilitarismu – Alfredo M. Bonanno
[ – Česky – ] [ – English – ] Dne 6. prosince 2023 zemřel anarchista…
The anarchist Ruslan Siddiqui is charged with railway sabotage and attacking a military airfield
At the end of November, the anarchist Ruslan Siddiqui was arrested on suspicion of organising the…
Your Wars – Our Dead: Contribution to a debate on War and Militarism
[ – PDF – ] [ – Česky – ] # Balkan Anarchists against War Input…
Class Report ’23
December marks the 1st anniversary of our formal constitution as the AnarCom Network, an organisation of…
The autumn rise of social struggle across Ukraine
People crushed by poverty and war are slowly waking up and starting to organize themselves for…
Soldier statue torn down Thanksgiving night
After the sun set on Thanksgiving, we tore down a memorial to the US soldiers of…
Anarchist solidarity and anti-war initiatives in post-Yugoslav countries
Z.A.P.O Anti-War Demo, 19.06.1991. (personal recollection from Croatia) A few important notes: I am writing from…
The Ukraine War
After the fall of the USSR in 1991, Ukraine became independent. The United States promised Russia…
Did we forget a war or something?
The horror of the (largely one sided) slaughter in the Israeli-Gaza war has seized the attention…
Protiválečné tričko benefiční pro dezertéry / ANTI-WAR T-SHIRT FUNDRAISER FOR DESERTERS
Koupí protiválečného trika, můžeš podpořit dezertéry. Dezerce, obzvláště stává-li se kolektivní aktivitou může výrazně ovlivnit průběh…
The situation in Gaza
We echo the Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group (MACG) in calling for the intervention of all ‘workers…
Internationalist Solidarity against the slaughter of capitalist war!
AnarCom Network has recently attended an assembly of revolutionary anti-war Internationalists on the Black Sea coast,…
From Gaza to Tel-Aviv and to the whole World… No War But Class War!
| English | Italiano | Français | Español | Čeština | PDF | “The position of…
Neither Israel nor Hamas!
We totally condemn and abhor the indiscriminate bombing of the Gaza strip just as we totally…
And the War drags on
[ Raoul Victor, 10 February 2023 ] 15 months have passed since Russian tanks rolled into…
An Anti-War Assembly in Milan
On September 15th the Centro di Documentazione Contro la Guerra organized an open assembly called “La…