Statement of solidarity with the attacked anti-militarist

We have received news that one of the most active Czech anti-militarists and our friend Lukáš was physically attacked by a militant anti-fascist in Prague. He is fine, but in the end he “only” took a few cuts. We thank everyone who stood up for him on the spot. The reason for the attack in the Prague club was his anti-militarist beliefs, his opposition to war and his criticism of armaments. Prior to the attack, his person had been threatened with physical assault by people from the Prague “anarchist” movement around the Trhlina infocentre and AFed (=Anarchistická federace/Anarchist federation) . We express our solidarity with Lukáš and wish him a speedy recovery. We condemn this politically motivated attack and consider it unacceptable in our circles. It is yet another example of where the militarization of thought, support for nationalism and one side in a war conflict leads. It shows where the abandonment of revolutionary tactics, internationalism and anti-militarism leads. Our condemnation is not directed only at the attacker, but at all warmongers and those who remain silent on such practices or even approve of them.