Over Russian 18,000 soldiers desert

Exact numbers of deserters from the Russian army are very difficult to track down and verify. However, in connection with the partial mobilisation, about 650,000 men of call-up age fled from Russia. According to the report of the Ukrainian Military Intelligence Service (HUR) dated 29th April 2024, soldiers of the Russian Southern Military District, whose units are stationed in Ukraine, are leaving their posts in an increasing number. Military intelligence reported that in total, more than 18,000 soldiers of the Southern Military District have left their posts, of whom about 12,000 belonged to the 8th Combined Arms Army. Of this number there are about 10,000 mobilised conscripts and 2,000 contract soldiers. In the Russian 58th Combined Arms Army the desertion rate is about 2,500 soldiers. Earlier in April, the British Ministry of Defence said Russian troops in Ukraine are mostly contract soldiers and reservists mobilised in late 2022, but pressure is often on conscripts to sign contracts. Russian deserters are being helped by the organization Idite Lesom (“Get Lost”). This organization has already helped almost 1,500 soldiers desert the Russian army and helped another 43,000 men completely avoid military withdrawal and deployment to war. To support them visit their website: https://iditelesom.org/en

Information from the Czech Facebook page Dezertér – antimilitaristický zpravodaj (Deserter-anti-militarist reporter) at https://www.facebook.com/people/Dezert%C3%A9r-antimilitaristick%C3%BD-zpravodaj/61570388985217/


OVER 18,000 RUSSIAN SOLDIERS DESERT – Anarchist Communist Group